gitweb on Svarog

projekti pod git sistemom za održavanje verzija -- projects under the git version control system
2016-04-20 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl, function generation fixed to be in line with...
2016-04-20 Doni PracnerCopyright years
2015-08-30 Doni Pracnermj samples reformated to be consistent
2015-08-30 Doni Pracnercopyright years update
2015-08-30 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl, made more robust against empty arguments and...
2015-08-30 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - nicer version number outputs
2015-08-30 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl input codes res file is in the root
2015-08-19 Doni Pracnerwsl metrics script, nicer print of header
2015-08-13 Doni Pracnerwsl metrics, reorganized comments for GPL
2015-08-13 Doni Pracnerwsl metrics simlified with ELSIF
2015-08-12 Doni PracnerExperimental transformation script that loops several...
2015-08-12 Doni Pracnertransf-min goto typo
2015-08-10 Doni PracnerREADME spellcheck
2015-08-10 Doni PracnerREADME, about the operating systems support
2015-08-10 Doni Pracnertransf-min updates
2015-08-10 Doni PracnerNew WSL stack transformation script
2015-08-07 Doni Pracnerupdate the ant documentation a bit
2015-08-07 Doni Pracnerant formatting - whitespace, better explanation more...
2015-08-07 Doni Pracnerant - add wsl metrics tasks
2015-08-07 Doni Pracnerant - pdf output tweak, use mj files
2015-08-07 Doni Pracnerant - wsl-run add workdir param
2015-08-07 Doni Pracnerant - pattern set for non-transformed sources
2015-08-07 Doni PracnerAnt - add logging of transformed program testing
2015-08-07 Doni PracnerWSL metrics script
2014-12-04 Doni Pracnerant - new tasks for making parallel code stages display...
2014-12-04 Doni Pracnerminor - gitignore, temp2 just for weird situations
2014-12-03 Doni Pracnerant - decoded versions of obj files are now saved in...
2014-11-25 Doni Pracnerdocumenting the new ant testing tasks
2014-11-25 Doni Pracnerminor whitespace changes
2014-11-04 Doni Pracnerant - recording logs of testing, plus prev test
2014-11-03 Doni Pracnerant - added paralellisation to some tasks, but disabled...
2014-11-03 Doni Pracnerant - improvements to the transf scripts to use the...
2014-11-03 Doni Pracnertransf script now takes arguments from the command...
2014-10-26 Doni Pracnertest files for the samples
2014-10-26 Doni Pracnerant - automatic testing tasks, for MJ-WSL and WSL-WSL_T
2014-10-26 Doni Pracnerminor ant rename some tasks
2014-10-26 Doni Pracnerperl scripts to compare outputs of various versions
2014-10-21 Doni Pracnerinstall doc - spell check
2014-10-21 Doni Pracnerinstall doc - another specific distro that it was ran on
2014-08-18 Doni Pracnerversion 0.2.0 v0.2.0
2014-08-18 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - print procedures are simplified to use @Forma...
2014-08-16 Doni Pracnermain readme - minor formatting for markdown on bitbucket
2014-08-16 Doni Pracnermain readme - minor formatting for markdown on bitbucket
2014-08-16 Doni Pracnermain readme
2014-08-16 Doni Pracnerfermat install tutorial - change of order in the starti...
2014-08-16 Doni Pracnerupdates to the install tutorial by Martin Ward
2014-08-16 Doni Pracneradded tutorial for installing FermaT on Linux
2014-08-01 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - inline printing - use the new @Format instead...
2014-08-01 Doni Pracnerfixed typo (wrong var) in the procedure for printing
2014-07-30 Doni Pracnernew InOut samples, one for a char, other for branching
2014-07-30 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - proper reading of char from the command line...
2014-07-30 Doni Pracnerant task to generate various versions and tar them
2014-07-30 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - use the new Read_Line_Proc instead of the...
2014-07-30 Doni Pracnergitignore - folder 'local' for local instalation specifics
2014-07-28 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - added an error to display unrecognized option...
2014-07-28 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl; remove a flag variable when making global...
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - fixed number print procedure to use the lengt...
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - new switch for global/local VAR blocks; added...
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnerant - change main class name in mjc2wsl task
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnerminor - use System.err for error messages
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - use java.nio; do not create non-existing...
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnerpackage name typo
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnerrefactor - mjc2wsl, extract the MJ input into a separat...
2014-07-27 Doni PracnerTransMessages - make field private and add a reader...
2014-07-27 Doni Pracnerrefactor - packages
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnerant - record outputs of programs when paralel testing
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnerversion string in file to 0.1.8 v0.1.8
2014-07-26 Doni PracnerMerge from work to master ("stable")
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - printing numbers now takes into consideration...
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnerversion file - contains the current version number...
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - - changes so that the version string is loade...
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnerant - added build task for versioning by using 'git...
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnergitignore bin folder explicitly
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl help expanded
2014-07-26 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl added oposite options for Pop/Push and inlinePrint
2014-07-25 Doni Pracnersubstr should not be called with a negative length...
2014-07-25 Doni Pracneradded --genInlinePrint switch to not make a procedure...
2014-07-18 Doni PracnerMerge branch 'master' into work
2014-07-18 Doni Pracnerant script - mj-samples needs to depend on init to...
2014-07-18 Doni Pracner.gitignore - archives
2014-07-18 Doni Pracnerproject README is now md
2014-07-18 Doni Pracnerproject README, link txt as an md as well
2014-07-18 Doni Pracnerexperimental transf script, move the flag removal
2014-06-12 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - field acces simplification and wraping in...
2014-06-12 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl - const_m1 added
2014-06-12 Doni Pracnernew sample - fields
2014-06-11 Doni Pracnersimplified ascii codes to chars in printing based on... v0.1.7
2014-06-11 Doni Pracnermore local var blocks in the translation
2014-06-11 Doni Pracnerarray assignment simplified
2014-06-11 Doni PracnerAdded a flag variable for conditional jumps.
2014-05-27 Doni Pracnerstart of 0.1.7
2014-05-27 Doni Pracnersmall fixes in the formating of the generated code v0.1.6
2014-05-27 Doni Pracnerfix for the optional generation of opcodes in comments
2014-05-27 Doni Pracnersamples - chrtest updated a bit
2014-05-27 Doni PracnerProper char printing in the translated codes.
2014-05-27 Doni Pracnergitignore directory kde
2014-04-22 Doni PracnerAlternative to make Push and Pop instead of TAIL and...
2014-04-22 Doni Pracnerrefactor - generalise stack operations for easier futur...
2014-04-22 Doni PracnerMerge branch 'vars' into work
2014-04-22 Doni Pracnermjc2wsl -adding more VARS to the actions
next maintanance Doni Pracner