C:" Copyright (C) 2012 Doni Pracner http://perun.dmi.rs/pracner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =========================================================="; C:"Automatic transformation tool for simplification of WSL"; C:"code automaticaly translated from assembly using asm2wsl."; C:"a simple version"; MW_PROC @Process_Prog() == FOREACH Statement DO IF @Trans?(TR_Push_Pop) THEN @Trans(TR_Push_Pop, ""); FI OD; @Trans(TR_Constant_Propagation, ""); FOREACH Statement DO IF @ST(@I) = T_A_S THEN C:"don't need to test for this, works for T_A_S"; IF @Trans?(TR_Collapse_Action_System) THEN @Trans(TR_Collapse_Action_System, ""); FI; ELSIF @Trans?(TR_Remove_All_Redundant_Vars) THEN @Trans(TR_Remove_All_Redundant_Vars, ""); ELSIF @ST(@I) = T_Skip THEN @Delete FI OD; FOREACH Statement DO IF @Trans?(TR_Flag_Removal) THEN @Trans(TR_Flag_Removal, ""); FI OD; C:"remove all the comments "; FOREACH Statement DO IF @ST(@I) = T_Comment THEN @Delete FI OD; C:"Convert DO loops into WHILE loops"; FOREACH Statement DO IF @Trans?(TR_Floop_To_While) THEN @Trans(TR_Floop_To_While, ""); FI OD; C:"Go back to the start, and remove redundant"; @GOTO(< >); @Trans(TR_Delete_All_Redundant, ""); SKIP END; BEGIN VAR< prog := < >, inifilename := "transf.ini", filename:="", file := "", inifile:= "" >: IF @File_Exists?(inifilename) THEN inifile := @Open_Input_File(inifilename); filename := @Read_Line(inifile); WHILE NOT @EOF?(filename) DO IF @File_Exists?(filename) THEN PRINT(""); @New_Program(@Parse_File(filename, T_Statements)); PRINT("Processing: ", filename); prog := @Program; @Process_Prog(); Get_New_Name(VAR filename); @PP_Item(@Program, 80, filename); Prog_Stat(prog); PRINT(""); PRINT("After Conversion"); Prog_Stat(@Program) FI; filename := @Read_Line(inifile) OD; @Close_Input_Port(inifile); ELSE PRINT("ini file (",inifilename,") not found.", " it should contain a list of filenames to be converted"); PRINT("you can input a filename now:"); filename := @Read_Line(Standard_Input_Port); IF @File_Exists?(filename) THEN @New_Program(@Parse_File(filename, T_Statements)); @Process_Prog(); Get_New_Name(VAR filename); @PP_Item(@Program, 80, filename) FI; FI ENDVAR WHERE PROC Prog_Stat(Pro VAR)== PRINT ("Mc ", @McCabe(Pro)); PRINT ("Statements ", @Stat_Count(Pro)); PRINT ("Control/data Flow ", @CFDF_Metric(Pro)); PRINT ("Size(nodes) ", @Total_Size(Pro)); PRINT ("Struct ", @Struct_Metric(Pro)); SKIP END PROC Get_New_Name(VAR str) == IF @Ends_With?(str, ".wsl") THEN str := SUBSTR(str, 0, SLENGTH(str)-4) FI; str := str ++ "_t.wsl" END PROC Get_Before_Name(VAR str) == IF @Ends_With?(str, ".wsl") THEN str := SUBSTR(str, 0, SLENGTH(str)-4) FI; str := str ++ "_b.wsl" END END