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[spa2-materijali.git] / knjige / knjige146.txt
1 146
2 13
3 All Passion Spent
4 Vita Sackville-West
5 38
6 A Darkling Plain
7 Philip Reeve
8 65
9 Nectar in a Sieve
10 Kamala Markandaya
11 125
12 Terrible Swift Sword
13 Bruce Catton
14 11
15 Of Human Bondage
16 W. Somerset Maugham
17 131
18 The Other Side of Silence
19 Andre Brink
20 15
21 Look Homeward, Angel
22 Thomas Wolfe
23 81
24 Consider Phlebas
25 Iain M. Banks
26 37
27 If Not Now, When?
28 Primo Levi
29 85
30 Quo Vadis
31 Henryk Sienkiewicz
32 109
33 The House of Mirth
34 Edith Wharton
35 39
36 His Dark Materials
37 Philip Pullman
38 66
39 Noli Me Tangere
40 Jos Rizal
41 68
42 East of Eden
43 John Steinbeck
44 117
45 Brandy of the Damned
46 Colin Wilson
47 92
48 Oh! To be in England
49 H. E. Bates
50 35
51 The Golden Apples of the Sun
52 Ray Bradbury
53 12
54 The Painted Veil
55 W. Somerset Maugham
56 58
57 The Green Bay Tree
58 Louis Bromfield
59 97
60 Arms and the Man
61 George Bernard Shaw
62 108
63 A Fanatic Heart
64 Edna O'Brien
65 115
66 No Country for Old Men
67 Cormac McCarthy
68 18
69 The Wives of Bath
70 Susan Swan
71 25
72 Tiger! Tiger!
73 Rudyard Kipling short story
74 106
75 For Whom the Bell Tolls
76 Ernest Hemingway
77 114
78 Down to a Sunless Sea
79 David Graham
80 136
81 The Doors of Perception
82 Aldous Huxley
83 30
84 I Will Fear No Evil
85 Robert A. Heinlein
86 82
87 Look to Windward
88 Iain M. Banks
89 32
90 To Sail Beyond the Sunset
91 Robert A. Heinlein
92 104
93 Vile Bodies
94 Evelyn Waugh
95 112
96 Clouds of Witness
97 Dorothy L. Sayers
98 21
99 The Stars' Tennis Balls
100 Stephen Fry
101 53
102 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
103 Mark Haddon
104 130
105 An Instant In The Wind
106 Andre Brink
107 142
108 Endless Night
109 Agatha Christie
110 121
111 The Cricket on the Hearth
112 Charles Dickens
113 143
114 The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
115 Agatha Christie
116 45
117 Blithe Spirit
118 Noel Coward
119 20
120 Moab Is My Washpot
121 Stephen Fry
122 63
123 Mother Night
124 Kurt Vonnegut
125 34
126 Recalled to Life
127 Reginald Hill
128 44
129 Cabbages and Kings
130 O. Henry
131 101
132 Tender Is the Night
133 F. Scott Fitzgerald
134 102
135 This Side of Paradise
136 F. Scott Fitzgerald
137 94
138 The Yellow Meads of Asphodel
139 H. E. Bates
140 27
141 Recalled to Life
142 Robert Silverberg
143 78
144 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
145 James Agee
146 33
147 Some Buried Caesar
148 Rex Stout
149 140
150 The Line of Beauty
151 Alan Hollinghurst
152 128
153 The Soldier's Art
154 Anthony Powell
155 77
156 Mr Standfast
157 John Buchan
158 17
159 The Waste Land
160 T. S. Eliot
161 129
162 What's Become of Waring
163 Anthony Powell
164 24
165 The Way of All Flesh
166 Samuel Butler
167 26
168 For a Breath I Tarry
169 Roger Zelazny
170 71
171 Of Mice and Men
172 John Steinbeck
174 Ego Dominus Tuus
175 William Butler Yeats
176 124
177 Surprised by Joy
178 C. S. Lewis
179 10
180 The Alien Corn (short story)
181 W. Somerset Maugham
182 95
183 Dying of the Light
184 George R. R. Martin
185 87
186 A Many-Splendoured Thing
187 Han Suyin
188 29
189 The Monkey's Raincoat
190 Robert Crais
192 As I Lay Dying
193 William Faulkner
194 69
195 The Grapes of Wrath
196 John Steinbeck
198 If I Forget Thee Jerusalem
199 William Faulkner
200 70
201 In Dubious Battle
202 John Steinbeck
203 46
204 No Highway
205 Nevil Shute
206 52
207 The World, the Flesh and the Devil
208 Mary Elizabeth Braddon
209 83
210 Consider the Lilies
211 Iain Crichton Smith
212 72
213 To a God Unknown
214 John Steinbeck
215 119
216 No Longer at Ease
217 Chinua Achebe
219 Absalom, Absalom!
220 William Faulkner
221 90
222 How Sleep the Brave
223 H. E. Bates
224 137
225 Eyeless in Gaza
226 Aldous Huxley
227 141
228 Butter In a Lordly Dish
229 Agatha Christie
231 Lilies of the Field
232 William Edmund Barrett
233 113
234 O Jerusalem!
235 Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins
236 42
237 Cover Her Face
238 P. D. James
239 103
240 A Handful of Dust
241 Evelyn Waugh
242 55
243 The Moon by Night
244 Madeleine L'Engle
245 99
246 Bonjour Tristesse
247 Fransoise Sagan
248 73
249 A Confederacy of Dunces
250 John Kennedy Toole
251 67
252 Everything is Illuminated
253 Jonathan Safran Foer
254 60
255 The Little Foxes
256 Lillian Hellman
257 122
258 The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
259 Carson McCullers
260 105
261 Ah, Wilderness!
262 Eugene O'Neill
263 19
264 Time of our Darkness
265 Stephen Gray
266 43
267 The Skull Beneath the Skin
268 P. D. James
269 61
270 Time To Murder And Create
271 Lawrence Block
272 59
273 Number the Stars
274 Lois Lowry
275 47
276 Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea
277 Michael Morpurgo
279 Dulce et Decorum Est
280 Wilfred Owen
281 74
282 Death Be Not Proud
283 John Gunther
284 145
285 Postern of Fate
286 Agatha Christie
287 139
288 Those Barren Leaves
289 Aldous Huxley
290 89
291 Fair Stood the Wind for France
292 H. E. Bates
293 62
294 A Monstrous Regiment of Women
295 Laurie R. King
296 36
297 I Sing the Body Electric
298 Ray Bradbury
299 118
300 The Way Through the Woods
301 Colin Dexter
302 132
303 Tiger! Tiger! - alternative title of The Stars My Destination
304 Alfred Bester
306 Shall not Perish
307 William Faulkner
308 56
309 A Swiftly Tilting Planet
310 Madeleine L'Engle
311 93
312 When the Green Woods Laugh
313 H. E. Bates
314 98
315 Ring of Bright Water
316 Gavin Maxwell
317 100
318 The Violent Bear It Away
319 Flannery O'Connor
320 49
321 Specimen Days
322 Michael Cunningham
323 96
324 Such, Such Were the Joys
325 George Orwell
326 120
327 Things Fall Apart
328 Chinua Achebe
329 14
330 The Lathe of Heaven
331 Ursula K. Le Guin
332 40
333 In a Dry Season
334 Peter Robinson
336 O Pioneers!
337 Willa Cather
338 107
339 The Sun Also Rises
340 Ernest Hemingway
341 48
342 Behold the Man
343 Michael Moorcock
344 144
345 The Moving Finger
346 Agatha Christie
347 79
348 Waiting for the Barbarians
349 J.M. Coetzee
350 88
351 The Daffodil Sky
352 H. E. Bates
353 75
354 A Time to Kill
355 John Grisham
356 28
357 All the King's Men
358 Robert Penn Warren
359 54
360 Gone with the Wind
361 Margaret Mitchell
362 80
363 The Proper Study
364 Isaac Asimov
365 135
366 Beyond the Mexique Bay
367 Aldous Huxley
368 146
369 The Wealth of Nations
370 Adam Smith
371 91
372 Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
373 H. E. Bates
374 51
375 Precious Bane
376 Mary Webb
377 64
378 The Far-Distant Oxus
379 Katharine Hull and Pamela Whitlock
380 111
381 Where Angels Fear to Tread
382 E. M. Forster
383 57
384 The Road Less Traveled
385 M. Scott Peck
387 Vanity Fair
388 William Makepeace Thackeray
389 16
390 Far From the Madding Crowd
391 Thomas Hardy
392 41
393 The Parliament of Man
394 Paul Kennedy
395 23
396 Alien Corn (play)
397 Sidney Howard
398 110
399 A Passage to India
400 E. M. Forster
401 133
402 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
403 Aldous Huxley
404 123
405 A che punto a la notte
406 Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini
407 126
408 An Evil Cradling
409 Brian Keenan
410 50
411 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
412 Maya Angelou
413 134
414 Antic Hay
415 Aldous Huxley
416 22
417 Fear and Trembling
418 Soren Kierkegaard
419 116
420 To Say Nothing of the Dog
421 Connie Willis
422 76
423 Great Work of Time
424 John Crowley
425 127
426 A Glass of Blessings
427 Barbara Pym
428 84
429 Fame Is the Spur
430 Howard Spring
431 86
432 The Golden Bowl
433 Henry James
434 138
435 Jesting Pilate
436 Aldous Huxley
437 31
438 Stranger in a Strange Land
439 Robert A. Heinlein maintanance Doni Pracner