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projekti pod git sistemom za održavanje verzija -- projects under the git version control system
version 0.81 master v0.81
authorDoni Pracner <>
Fri, 19 Jul 2019 15:59:24 +0000 (17:59 +0200)
committerDoni Pracner <>
Fri, 19 Jul 2019 15:59:24 +0000 (17:59 +0200)
43 files changed:
build.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/ [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/array-sum-input.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/array-sum-predef.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/gcd-input.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/gcd-predef.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/rek-gcd-input.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/rek-gcd-predef.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples-with-macros/sumn-stack-prompt.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/array-sum-input.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/array-sum-predef.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/fakt.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/gcd-input.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/gcd-predef.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/procgcd.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/rek-gcd-input.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/rek-gcd-predef.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/sumn-stack-prompt.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
samples/sumn3.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
src-wsl/metrics_csv.wsl [new file with mode: 0644]
src-wsl/transf-min.wsl [new file with mode: 0755]
src/ [new file with mode: 0755]
tests/array-sum-input.1.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/array-sum-input.2.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/array-sum-input.3.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/array-sum-input.4.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/array-sum-predef.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/fakt.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/gcd-input.1.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/gcd-input.2.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/gcd-input.3.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/gcd-input.4.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/gcd-predef.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/procgcd.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/rek-gcd-input.1.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/rek-gcd-input.2.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/rek-gcd-input.3.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/rek-gcd-input.4.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/rek-gcd-predef.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/sumn-stack-prompt.1.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/sumn-stack-prompt.2.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/sumn-stack-prompt.3.txt [new file with mode: 0644] [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..17e3f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+<project name="asm2wsl" default="all">
+    <description>
+        Builder script for asm2wsl and related tools
+    </description>
+    <!-- use this file for any custom local needs -->
+    <property file=""/>
+    <property environment="env"/>
+    <!-- try and detect the fermat.dir based on the operating system
+        should be set as a custom value in ""
+        if it's in a non default location.
+    -->
+     <condition property="fermat.dir" value="C:\fermat3">
+       <os family="windows" />
+     </condition>
+     <condition property="fermat.dir" value="${user.home}/fermat3">
+       <not><os family="windows" /></not>
+     </condition>
+    <property name="java.encoding" value="utf-8" />
+    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- main variables that can be altered in the
+        properties file or through command line switches.
+    -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- when using multiple threads there is a problem with logging!-->
+    <property name="global.max.threads" value="1" />
+    <property name="asm2wsl.class.dir" value="bin" />
+    <property name="asm2wsl.src.dir" value="src" />
+    <property name="asm2wsl.options" value="" />
+    <property name="asm.extension" value="asm" />
+    <property name="res.dir" value="res" />
+    <property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
+    <property name="samples.main.dir" value="samples" />
+    <property name="samples.temp.dir" value="temp" />
+    <property name="transf.wsl.file" value="src-wsl/transf-min.wsl" />
+    <property name="transf.wsl.ext" value="_t.wsl" />
+    <!-- args can be used to send additional arguments to a script -->
+    <property name="transf.wsl.args" value="" />
+    <property name="metrics.wsl.file" value="src-wsl/metrics_csv.wsl" />
+    <property name="metrics.extension" value=".met" />
+    <property name="tests.dir" value="tests" />
+    <property name="log.dir" value="${basedir}/logs" />
+    <property name="log.file.transformations" value="${log.dir}/transformations" />
+    <property name="log.file.asm2wsl" value="${log.dir}/asm2wsl" />
+    <property name="log.file.tests.t" value="${log.dir}/tests-wsl" />
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- patterns -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <patternset id="non.transformed.sources">
+        <include name="**/*.wsl"/>
+        <exclude name="**/*${transf.wsl.ext}"/>
+    </patternset>
+    <patternset id="transformed.sources">
+        <include name="**/*${transf.wsl.ext}"/>
+    </patternset>
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- general tasks -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <target name="init" depends="init-time">
+        <mkdir dir="${asm2wsl.class.dir}"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${samples.temp.dir}"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${log.dir}"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
+        <copy todir="${samples.temp.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${samples.main.dir}">
+                <include name="*.${asm.extension}"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="init-time">
+        <tstamp>
+          <format property="time" pattern="yy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss"/>
+        </tstamp>
+    </target>
+    <target name="all" depends='asm2wsl-samples,wsl-transf-samples'
+        description="build the tools, run them on the samples to check">
+    </target>
+    <target name="clean" description="clean up all the generated content">
+        <delete includeemptydirs="true">
+            <fileset dir="${asm2wsl.class.dir}"/>
+            <fileset dir="${samples.temp.dir}"/>
+            <fileset dir="${log.dir}"/>
+        </delete>
+    </target>
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- asm2wsl related tasks -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <target name="build" depends="init" description="build the asm2wsl tool">
+        <javac srcdir="${asm2wsl.src.dir}" destdir="${asm2wsl.class.dir}" includeAntRuntime='no' debug='on'/>
+        <copy todir="${asm2wsl.class.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${res.dir}"/>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="asm2wsl">
+        <echo message="${filename}" />
+        <java classpath="${asm2wsl.class.dir}:${res.dir}" classname="asm2wsl">
+            <arg line="${asm2wsl.options}" />
+            <arg value="${filename}" />
+        </java>
+    </target>
+    <target name="asm2wsl-samples" depends="build,init-time" description="run the asm2wsl tool on the samples">
+        <record name="${log.file.asm2wsl}${time}.txt" emacsmode="true" />
+        <echo>Used options:${asm2wsl.options}</echo>
+        <foreach param="filename" target="asm2wsl"  parallel="true" maxthreads="${global.max.threads}">
+            <path>
+            <fileset dir='${samples.temp.dir}'>
+                <include name="*.${asm.extension}"/>
+            </fileset>
+            </path>
+        </foreach>
+        <record name="${log.file.asm2wsl}${time}.txt" action="stop" />
+        <copy file="${log.file.asm2wsl}${time}.txt" tofile="${log.file.asm2wsl}.txt"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- wsl related tasks -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <target name="wsl-run" >
+        <property name="args" value=""/>
+        <property name="wslrun.workdir" value=""/>
+        <exec executable="${fermat.dir}/bin/wsl" inputstring="${inputstring}"
+            dir="${wslrun.workdir}" >
+            <env key="PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/bin:${env.PATH}"/>
+            <env key="FermaT" path="${fermat.dir}" />
+            <env key="SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/slib/" />
+            <env key="SCM_INIT_PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/scm/Init5e7.scm" />
+            <arg line="${filename} ${args}"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="wsl-transf"
+        description="transform (simplify) a single wsl file generated by mjc2wsl">
+        <stopwatch name="transf-${transf.filename}" action="start"/>
+        <antcall target="wsl-run">
+            <param name="filename" value="${transf.wsl.file}" />
+            <param name="args" value="${transf.wsl.args} ${transf.filename}" />
+        </antcall>
+        <record name="${transf.filename}-time.txt" action="start" emacsmode="true"/>
+        <stopwatch name="transf-${transf.filename}" action="total"/>
+        <record name="${transf.filename}-time.txt" action="stop"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="wsl-transf-samples" depends="init"
+    description="transform (simplify) the wsl files generated by mjc2wsl" >
+        <record name="${log.file.transformations}${time}.txt" emacsmode="true" />
+        <foreach param="transf.filename" target="wsl-transf" parallel="true" maxthreads="${global.max.threads}">
+            <path>
+            <fileset dir='${samples.temp.dir}'>
+                <patternset refid="non.transformed.sources"/>
+                <depth max="0"/>
+            </fileset>
+            </path>
+        </foreach>
+        <record name="${log.file.transformations}${time}.txt" action="stop" />
+        <copy file="${log.file.transformations}${time}.txt" tofile="${log.file.transformations}.txt"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- metrics -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <target name="metrics-compare-wsl">
+        <basename property="" file="${}" suffix="${transf.wsl.ext}"/>
+        <dirname property="metrics.temp.dir" file="${}"/>
+        <antcall target="wsl-run">
+            <param name="filename" value="${metrics.wsl.file}" />
+            <param name="args" value="-o ${metrics.temp.dir}/${}${metrics.extension} -c ${metrics.temp.dir}/${}.wsl ${metrics.temp.dir}/${}${transf.wsl.ext}" />
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target name="metrics-samples-compare-wsl" depends="init"
+    description="metrics on transformed wsl files (csv file)" >
+        <antcall target="wsl-run">
+            <param name="filename" value="${metrics.wsl.file}" />
+            <param name="args" value="-o ${samples.temp.dir}/0000-header${metrics.extension} -HC" />
+        </antcall>
+        <foreach param="" target="metrics-compare-wsl" parallel="true" maxthreads="${global.max.threads}">
+            <path>
+            <fileset dir='${samples.temp.dir}'>
+                <patternset refid="transformed.sources"/>
+            </fileset>
+            </path>
+        </foreach>
+        <concat destfile="${samples.temp.dir}/metrics-wsl-compare.csv">
+          <fileset dir="${samples.temp.dir}" includes="*${metrics.extension}"/>
+        </concat>
+    </target>
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <!-- Testing tasks -->
+    <!-- **************************************** -->
+    <target name="init-compare">
+        <mkdir dir="${samples.temp.dir}/outputs"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-w-wt">
+    <basename property="file.out" file="${inputfile}" suffix=".txt"/>
+        <exec executable="${fermat.dir}/bin/wsl"
+        input="${inputfile}"
+        error="${samples.temp.dir}/outputs/${file.out}.errwsl"
+        output="${samples.temp.dir}/outputs/${file.out}.outwsl" >
+            <env key="PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/bin:${env.PATH}"/>
+            <env key="FermaT" path="${fermat.dir}" />
+            <env key="SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/slib/" />
+            <env key="SCM_INIT_PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/scm/Init5e7.scm" />
+            <arg value="${file.dir}/${}.wsl"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="${fermat.dir}/bin/wsl"
+        input="${inputfile}"
+        error="${samples.temp.dir}/outputs/${file.out}.errwslt"
+        output="${samples.temp.dir}/outputs/${file.out}.outwslt" >
+            <env key="PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/bin:${env.PATH}"/>
+            <env key="FermaT" path="${fermat.dir}" />
+            <env key="SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/slib/" />
+            <env key="SCM_INIT_PATH" path="${fermat.dir}/scm/Init5e7.scm" />
+            <arg value="${file.dir}/${}${transf.wsl.ext}"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="perl">
+            <arg value="lib/"/>
+            <arg value="${file.dir}/outputs"/>
+            <arg value="${file.out}"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-fn-t">
+        <basename property="" file="${filename}" suffix="${transf.wsl.ext}"/>
+        <dirname property="file.dir" file="${filename}"/>
+        <foreach param="inputfile" target="test-w-wt" inheritall="true">
+            <path>
+            <fileset dir='${tests.dir}'>
+                <include name="${}*.txt"/>
+            </fileset>
+            </path>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-all-t" depends="init-compare,init-time"
+    description="Run all the tests from the test directory to compare WSL and transformations" >
+        <record name="${log.file.tests.t}${time}.txt" emacsmode="true" />
+        <foreach param="filename" target="test-fn-t">
+            <path>
+            <fileset dir='${samples.temp.dir}'>
+                <include name="*${transf.wsl.ext}"/>
+            </fileset>
+            </path>
+        </foreach>
+        <record name="${log.file.tests.t}${time}.txt" action="stop" />
+        <move file="${log.file.tests.t}.txt" tofile="${log.file.tests.t}-previous.txt" failonerror="false"/>
+        <copy file="${log.file.tests.t}${time}.txt" tofile="${log.file.tests.t}.txt"/>
+    </target>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..11d4714
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# test if the outputs are the same from two versions of
+# WSL programs - the original and the transformation
+sub read_file($) {
+  my ($file) = @_;
+  my $in;
+  open($in, $file) or die "Cannot read $file: $!\n";
+  my $data = join("", <$in>);
+  close($in);
+  return($data);
+# quit unless we have the correct number of command-line args
+$num_args = $#ARGV + 1;
+if ($num_args != 2) {
+    print "\nUsage: directory base_filename \n";
+    exit;
+$outw = read_file("$dir/$base.outwsl");
+$outwt = read_file("$dir/$base.outwslt");
+#print "inputs:\n";
+#print "$outm\n--\n$outw\n\n";
+#process the WSL output to remove comments
+for ($outw, $outwt) {
+               s/^.*Starting Execution...//s;
+               s/^.*?\n.*?\n//s;
+               s/Execution time:.*//s;
+if ($outw eq $outwt) {
+               print "$base - OK\n";
+} else {
+               print "$base - difference detected!:\n";
+               print "$outw###\n--\n$outwt###\n";
+               die();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/array-sum-input.asm b/samples-with-macros/array-sum-input.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..57d3883
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+.model small\r
+;make a sum of an array - version with loading values\r
+;predefined array size\r
+end_execution macro\r
+; finish the execution\r
+    mov ax, 4c02h\r
+    int 21h\r
+endm \r
+print_str macro s\r
+; print a s string on screen\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+; convert num1 to str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne itosloop\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+itosloopa:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne itosloopa\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+    ;convert num, print str\r
+    inttostr num,tempStr\r
+    print_str tempStr\r
+endm      \r
+; new line\r
+print_new_line macro\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah,03\r
+    mov bh,0\r
+    int 10h\r
+    inc dh\r
+    mov dl,0\r
+    mov ah,02\r
+    int 10h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+read_num macro num\r
+        read_str tempStr,6\r
+        strtoint tempStr,num\r
+;read into a buffer, inc the special 0 and 1 bytes\r
+;fixes it into a $ terminated string\r
+read_str macro strbuff, strlen\r
+    LOCAL copystr\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov dx, offset strbuff\r
+    mov bx, dx\r
+    mov ax, strlen\r
+    mov byte [bx] ,al\r
+    mov ah, 0Ah\r
+    int 21h\r
+    mov si, dx     \r
+    mov cl, [si+1] \r
+    mov ch, 0\r
+    mov al, [si+2]\r
+    mov [si], al\r
+    inc si\r
+    loop copystr     \r
+    mov [si], '$'\r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+;ascii to actual number\r
+strtoint macro inStr,outNum\r
+    LOCAL mainloop,end\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov bx, offset inStr\r
+    mov ax, 0\r
+    mov cx, 0\r
+    mov si, 10\r
+    mov cl, [bx]\r
+    cmp cl, '$'\r
+    je end\r
+    mul si\r
+    sub cx, 48\r
+    add ax, cx\r
+    inc bx  \r
+    jmp mainloop\r
+    mov outNum, ax \r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+        mov dx, @data\r
+        mov ds, dx \r
+        print_str prompt\r
+        read_num n\r
+        mov ax, 0\r
+        mov cx, n\r
+        cmp maxn, cx\r
+        jae normal\r
+        print_str errorN\r
+        end_execution\r
+normal:          \r
+        print_str prompt\r
+        read_num t\r
+        mov ax,t\r
+        mov bx,n\r
+        sub bx,cx\r
+        mov niz[bx],al\r
+        loop loadloop\r
+        print_new_line\r
+        ; now sum up\r
+        mov cx, n\r
+        xor ax,ax\r
+mainloop:              \r
+        mov bx, cx\r
+        add al, niz[bx-1]   ; get array memeber, byte\r
+        ; store sum in al\r
+        loop mainloop         ; end calc if done\r
+        print_num ax\r
+        end_execution\r
+data segment\r
+n       dw  7\r
+t       dw  0\r
+maxn    dw  20\r
+niz     db  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0     \r
+tempStr db "        "\r
+prompt db "Number?$"\r
+errorN db "Number too large!$"\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/array-sum-predef.asm b/samples-with-macros/array-sum-predef.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..884a337
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+.model small\r
+;make a sum of an array - version with predefined everything\r
+end_execution macro\r
+; finish the execution\r
+    mov ax, 4c02h\r
+    int 21h\r
+endm \r
+print_str macro s\r
+; print a s string on screen\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+; convert num1 to str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne itosloop\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+itosloopa:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne itosloopa\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+    ;convert num, print str\r
+    inttostr num,tempStr\r
+    print_str tempStr\r
+        mov dx, @data\r
+        mov ds, dx \r
+        mov cx, n\r
+        mov ax, 0\r
+        mov dx, 0\r
+mainloop:              \r
+        mov bx, cx\r
+        add al, niz[bx-1]   ; get array memeber, byte\r
+        ; store sum in al\r
+        loop mainloop         ; end calc if done\r
+        print_num ax\r
+        end_execution\r
+               \r
+data segment\r
+n       dw  7\r
+niz     db  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0     \r
+tempStr db "        "\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/gcd-input.asm b/samples-with-macros/gcd-input.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..71e13b1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+.model      small\r
+;greatest common divisor, with input from terminal\r
+data segment\r
+  tempStr db "        "\r
+  prompt  db "num?$"\r
+  promptr db "RES $"\r
+  m     dw  0\r
+  n     dw  0\r
+data ends\r
+; print a string on screen\r
+print_str macro s\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; new line\r
+print_new_line macro\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah,03\r
+    mov bh,0\r
+    int 10h\r
+    inc dh\r
+    mov dl,0\r
+    mov ah,02\r
+    int 10h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; write a single char\r
+print_char macro c\r
+    push ax   \r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah, 02\r
+    mov dl, c\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; finish the execution\r
+end_execution macro\r
+    mov ax, 4c02h\r
+    int 21h\r
+endm \r
+; Konvertovanje broja u string\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne petlja2\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+petlja2a:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne petlja2a\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+       inttostr num,tempStr\r
+       print_str tempStr\r
+read_num macro num\r
+        read_str tempStr,6\r
+        strtoint tempStr,num\r
+;read into a buffer, inc the special 0 and 1 bytes\r
+;fixes it into a $ terminated string\r
+read_str macro strbuff, strlen\r
+    LOCAL copystr\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov dx, offset strbuff\r
+    mov bx, dx\r
+    mov ax, strlen\r
+    mov byte [bx] ,al\r
+    mov ah, 0Ah\r
+    int 21h\r
+    mov si, dx     \r
+    mov cl, [si+1] \r
+    mov ch, 0\r
+    mov al, [si+2]\r
+    mov [si], al\r
+    inc si\r
+    loop copystr     \r
+    mov [si], '$'\r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+;ascii to actual number\r
+strtoint macro inStr,outNum\r
+    LOCAL mainloop,end\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov bx, offset inStr\r
+    mov ax, 0\r
+    mov cx, 0\r
+    mov si, 10\r
+    mov cl, [bx]\r
+    cmp cl, '$'\r
+    je end\r
+    mul si\r
+    sub cx, 48\r
+    add ax, cx\r
+    inc bx  \r
+    jmp mainloop\r
+    mov outNum, ax \r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+.code      \r
+start:           \r
+    mov ax,@data\r
+    mov ds,ax\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num m      \r
+    print_new_line\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num n\r
+    print_new_line\r
+            mov   ax,n\r
+            mov   bx,m\r
+compare:    \r
+            cmp   ax,bx\r
+            je    exit ;exit since they're equal\r
+            ja    greater\r
+            sub   bx,ax\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+            sub   ax,bx\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+;exit out of the program\r
+    mov n,ax\r
+    print_str promptr\r
+       print_num n\r
+; print out a result\r
+            end_execution\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/gcd-predef.asm b/samples-with-macros/gcd-predef.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f517316
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+.model      small\r
+data segment\r
+  strNZD db "        "\r
+data ends\r
+; print a string on screen\r
+print_str macro s\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; write a single char\r
+print_char macro c\r
+    push ax   \r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah, 02\r
+    mov dl, c\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; finish the execution\r
+end_execution macro\r
+    mov ax, 4c02h\r
+    int 21h\r
+endm \r
+; Konvertovanje broja u string\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne petlja2\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+petlja2a:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne petlja2a\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+       inttostr num,strNZD\r
+       print_str strNZD\r
+.code      \r
+            mov   ax,12\r
+            mov   bx,8\r
+compare:    \r
+            cmp   ax,bx\r
+            je    exit ;exit since they're equal\r
+            ja    greater\r
+            sub   bx,ax\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+            sub   ax,bx\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+;exit out of the program\r
+       print_num ax\r
+; print out a result\r
+            end_execution\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/rek-gcd-input.asm b/samples-with-macros/rek-gcd-input.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eb72549
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+.model      small     \r
+ASSUME DS:data\r
+;recursive version of GCD, input from terminal\r
+data segment\r
+  strNZD db "        "\r
+  tempStr db "        "\r
+  prompt  db "num?$"\r
+  promptr db "RES $"\r
+  m     dw  0\r
+  n     dw  0\r
+data ends\r
+; print a string on screen\r
+print_str macro s\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; new line\r
+print_new_line macro\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah,03\r
+    mov bh,0\r
+    int 10h\r
+    inc dh\r
+    mov dl,0\r
+    mov ah,02\r
+    int 10h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; write a single char\r
+print_char macro c\r
+    push ax   \r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah, 02\r
+    mov dl, c\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; finish the execution\r
+end_execution macro\r
+    mov ax, 4c02h\r
+    int 21h\r
+endm \r
+; Konvertovanje broja u string\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne petlja2\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+petlja2a:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne petlja2a\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+       inttostr num,strNZD\r
+       print_str strNZD\r
+endm                   \r
+read_num macro num\r
+        read_str tempStr,6\r
+        strtoint tempStr,num\r
+;read into a buffer, inc the special 0 and 1 bytes\r
+;fixes it into a $ terminated string\r
+read_str macro strbuff, strlen\r
+    LOCAL copystr\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov dx, offset strbuff\r
+    mov bx, dx\r
+    mov ax, strlen\r
+    mov byte [bx] ,al\r
+    mov ah, 0Ah\r
+    int 21h\r
+    mov si, dx     \r
+    mov cl, [si+1] \r
+    mov ch, 0\r
+    mov al, [si+2]\r
+    mov [si], al\r
+    inc si\r
+    loop copystr     \r
+    mov [si], '$'\r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+;ascii to actual number\r
+strtoint macro inStr,outNum\r
+    LOCAL mainloop,end\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov bx, offset inStr\r
+    mov ax, 0\r
+    mov cx, 0\r
+    mov si, 10\r
+    mov cl, [bx]\r
+    cmp cl, '$'\r
+    je end\r
+    mul si\r
+    sub cx, 48\r
+    add ax, cx\r
+    inc bx  \r
+    jmp mainloop\r
+    mov outNum, ax \r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+start:              \r
+    mov ax,@data\r
+    mov ds,ax\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num m      \r
+    print_new_line\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num n\r
+    print_new_line\r
+    push n\r
+    push m\r
+    call gcd\r
+    pop n    \r
+    print_str promptr\r
+       print_num n\r
+; print out a result\r
+    end_execution\r
+;volatile procedure, ruins ax,bx,cx\r
+gcd proc\r
+       ;;#extra-start\r
+       pop cx ;ret adress\r
+       ;;#extra-end\r
+       ;get params\r
+       pop ax\r
+       pop bx\r
+       ;;#extra-start\r
+       push cx ;ret for later \r
+       ;;#extra-end\r
+       cmp ax,bx\r
+       je endequal\r
+       ja greatera\r
+       ;ensure ax is greater\r
+       xchg ax,bx          \r
+       sub ax,bx\r
+       push bx\r
+       push ax\r
+       call gcd\r
+       pop ax;result\r
+    \r
+       ;;#extra-start\r
+       pop cx\r
+       ;;#extra-end\r
+       push ax; result\r
+       ;;#extra-start\r
+       push cx;needed before ret\r
+       ;;#extra-end\r
+       ret\r
+gcd endp \r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/rek-gcd-predef.asm b/samples-with-macros/rek-gcd-predef.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..84c2eba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+.model      small     \r
+;recursive version of GCD, predefined input\r
+data segment\r
+  strNZD db "        "\r
+data ends\r
+; print a string on screen\r
+print_str macro s\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; write a single char\r
+print_char macro c\r
+    push ax   \r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah, 02\r
+    mov dl, c\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; finish the execution\r
+end_execution macro\r
+    mov ax, 4c02h\r
+    int 21h\r
+endm \r
+; Konvertovanje broja u string\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne petlja2\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+petlja2a:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne petlja2a\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+       inttostr num,strNZD\r
+       print_str strNZD\r
+    \r
+    push 8\r
+    push 12\r
+    call gcd\r
+    pop ax\r
+       print_num ax\r
+; print out a result\r
+    end_execution\r
+    \r
+;volatile procedure, ruins ax,bx,cx\r
+gcd proc\r
+    pop cx ;ret adress    \r
+    ;get params\r
+    pop ax\r
+    pop bx\r
+    push cx ;ret for later \r
+    cmp ax,bx\r
+    je endequal\r
+    ja greatera\r
+    ;ensure ax is greater\r
+    xchg ax,bx          \r
+    sub ax,bx\r
+    push bx\r
+    push ax\r
+    call gcd\r
+    pop ax;result\r
+    \r
+    pop cx\r
+    push ax; result\r
+    push cx;needed before ret\r
+    ret\r
+gcd endp\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples-with-macros/sumn-stack-prompt.asm b/samples-with-macros/sumn-stack-prompt.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..063af10
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+.model      small\r
+; finish the execution\r
+end_execution macro\r
+    int 20h\r
+endm                      \r
+; print a string on screen\r
+print_str macro s\r
+    push ax\r
+    push dx  \r
+    mov dx, offset s\r
+    mov ah, 09\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+                    \r
+; write a single char\r
+print_char macro c\r
+    push ax   \r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah, 02\r
+    mov dl, c\r
+    int 21h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; new line\r
+print_new_line macro\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push dx\r
+    mov ah,03\r
+    mov bh,0\r
+    int 10h\r
+    inc dh\r
+    mov dl,0\r
+    mov ah,02\r
+    int 10h\r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+; Konvertovanje broja u string\r
+inttostr macro num1 str1\r
+   push ax\r
+   push bx\r
+   push cx\r
+   push dx\r
+   push si\r
+   mov ax, num1\r
+   mov dl, '$'\r
+   push dx\r
+   mov si, 10\r
+   mov dx, 0\r
+   div si\r
+   add dx, 48\r
+   push dx\r
+   cmp ax, 0\r
+   jne petlja2\r
+   \r
+   mov bx, offset str1\r
+petlja2a:      \r
+   pop dx\r
+   mov [bx], dl\r
+   inc bx\r
+   cmp dl, '$'\r
+   jne petlja2a\r
+   pop si  \r
+   pop dx\r
+   pop cx\r
+   pop bx\r
+   pop ax \r
+print_num macro num\r
+        inttostr num,tempStr\r
+        print_str tempStr\r
+read_num macro num\r
+       read_str tempStr,6\r
+       ;push offset tempStr\r
+       ;push offset num\r
+       strtoint tempStr,num\r
+;read into a buffer, inc the special 0 and 1 bytes\r
+;fixes it into a $ terminated string\r
+read_str macro strbuff, strlen\r
+    LOCAL copystr\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov dx, offset strbuff\r
+    mov bx, dx\r
+    mov ax, strlen\r
+    mov byte [bx] ,al\r
+    mov ah, 0Ah\r
+    int 21h\r
+    mov si, dx     \r
+    mov cl, [si+1] \r
+    mov ch, 0\r
+    mov al, [si+2]\r
+    mov [si], al\r
+    inc si\r
+    loop copystr     \r
+    mov [si], '$'\r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+;ascii to actual number\r
+strtoint macro inStr,outNum\r
+    LOCAL mainloop,end\r
+    push ax\r
+    push bx\r
+    push cx\r
+    push dx\r
+    push si\r
+    mov bp, sp\r
+    mov bx, offset inStr\r
+    mov ax, 0\r
+    mov cx, 0\r
+    mov si, 10\r
+    mov cl, [bx]\r
+    cmp cl, '$'\r
+    je end\r
+    mul si\r
+    sub cx, 48\r
+    add ax, cx\r
+    inc bx  \r
+    jmp mainloop\r
+    mov outNum, ax \r
+    pop si  \r
+    pop dx\r
+    pop cx\r
+    pop bx\r
+    pop ax\r
+;read_num, print_num, etc are macros\r
+start:  \r
+    mov ax, data\r
+    mov ds, ax            \r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num n\r
+    mov cx, n\r
+l1:                 \r
+    print_str prompt\r
+       read_num num\r
+       push num\r
+       loop l1\r
+       ; now sum up the top n from the stack\r
+    mov cx, n\r
+    mov ax, 0\r
+    mov dx, 0\r
+    pop ax               ; get next from stack\r
+    add dx, ax        ; array sum is in dx\r
+       loop theloop\r
+       ; result            \r
+       print_new_line\r
+       print_str resStr\r
+       print_num dx\r
+       nop\r
+       end_execution\r
+       num dw 12\r
+       n dw 3\r
+       rez dw 0 \r
+       tempStr db "        "\r
+       prompt  db "number? $"\r
+       resStr  db "result $"\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/array-sum-input.asm b/samples/array-sum-input.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..666a3f3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+.model small\r
+;make a sum of an array - version with loading values\r
+;predefined array size\r
+        mov dx, @data\r
+        mov ds, dx \r
+        print_str prompt\r
+        read_num n\r
+        mov ax, 0\r
+        mov cx, n\r
+        cmp maxn, cx\r
+        jae normal\r
+        print_str errorN\r
+        end_execution\r
+normal:          \r
+        print_str prompt\r
+        read_num t\r
+        mov ax,t\r
+        mov bx,n\r
+        sub bx,cx\r
+        mov niz[bx],al\r
+        loop loadloop\r
+        print_new_line\r
+        ; now sum up\r
+        mov cx, n\r
+        xor ax,ax\r
+mainloop:              \r
+        mov bx, cx\r
+        add al, niz[bx-1]   ; get array memeber, byte\r
+        ; store sum in al\r
+        loop mainloop         ; end calc if done\r
+        print_num ax\r
+        end_execution\r
+data segment\r
+n       dw  7\r
+t       dw  0\r
+maxn    dw  20\r
+niz     db  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0     \r
+tempStr db "        "\r
+prompt db "Number?$"\r
+errorN db "Number too large!$"\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/array-sum-predef.asm b/samples/array-sum-predef.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5d6650
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.model small\r
+;make a sum of an array - version with predefined everything\r
+        mov dx, @data\r
+        mov ds, dx \r
+        mov cx, n\r
+        mov ax, 0\r
+        mov dx, 0\r
+mainloop:              \r
+        mov bx, cx\r
+        add al, niz[bx-1]   ; get array memeber, byte\r
+        ; store sum in al\r
+        loop mainloop         ; end calc if done\r
+        print_num ax\r
+        end_execution\r
+               \r
+data segment\r
+n       dw  7\r
+niz     db  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0     \r
+tempStr db "        "\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/fakt.asm b/samples/fakt.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ba7454f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+; Evolucija Softvera\r
+; Racunanje faktoriela pomocu sateka i sabiranja\r
+.model small\r
+sseg   segment stack\r
+       db 256 dup (?)\r
+sseg   ends\r
+n      dw  5           ; racunamo faktoriel od 7\r
+niz    db  5,4,3,2,1\r
+        mov dx, @data\r
+        mov ds, dx\r
+        ; Direktno indeksno - pomocu labela[DI] i labela[SI]\r
+       ;rezultat u dx\r
+       mov ax, 0\r
+        mov bx, 0\r
+       mov cx,0\r
+       mov dx,0\r
+        mov dl, niz[bx]        ;ubacuje najveci clan n koji ce biti sabran n-1 put\r
+       inc bx          ;krece od drugog clana  \r
+       \r
+        mov cl, niz[bx]     ; citaj clan niza\r
+       cmp cx,1        ; da li je ax=1?\r
+        je kraj                ; ako jeste, idi na kraj\r
+       \r
+ubaci:                         ;ubacuje na stek prethodni rezultat n-1 put\r
+       cmp cx,1\r
+       je pom\r
+       push dx\r
+       dec cx\r
+       jmp ubaci\r
+       \r
+pom:   \r
+       mov cl, niz[bx] ;uzima vrednost da koliko puta skida sa steka\r
+       \r
+       cmp cx,1\r
+       je sledeci\r
+       pop ax\r
+       add dx,ax\r
+       dec cx\r
+       jmp mnozenje\r
+       \r
+sledeci:    \r
+        inc bx\r
+       jmp petlja\r
+       print_num dx ;ispisi rezultat na kraju\r
+        nop\r
+        end\r
diff --git a/samples/gcd-input.asm b/samples/gcd-input.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1cfb44b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.model      small\r
+;greatest common divisor, with input from terminal\r
+data segment\r
+  tempStr db "        "\r
+  prompt  db "num?$"\r
+  promptr db "RES $"\r
+  m     dw  0\r
+  n     dw  0\r
+data ends\r
+.code      \r
+start:           \r
+    mov ax,@data\r
+    mov ds,ax\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num m      \r
+    print_new_line\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num n\r
+    print_new_line\r
+            mov   ax,n\r
+            mov   bx,m\r
+compare:    \r
+            cmp   ax,bx\r
+            je    exit ;exit since they're equal\r
+            ja    greater\r
+            sub   bx,ax\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+            sub   ax,bx\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+;exit out of the program\r
+    mov n,ax\r
+    print_str promptr\r
+       print_num n\r
+; print out a result\r
+            end_execution\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/gcd-predef.asm b/samples/gcd-predef.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b61b2eb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.model      small\r
+data segment\r
+  strNZD db "        "\r
+data ends\r
+.code      \r
+            mov   ax,12\r
+            mov   bx,8\r
+compare:    \r
+            cmp   ax,bx\r
+            je    exit ;exit since they're equal\r
+            ja    greater\r
+            sub   bx,ax\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+            sub   ax,bx\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+;exit out of the program\r
+       print_num ax\r
+; print out a result\r
+            end_execution\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/procgcd.asm b/samples/procgcd.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..63b4ea3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.model      small\r
+.code      \r
+        push   br1\r
+       push    br2\r
+       call gcd\r
+       pop rez\r
+       print_num rez\r
+       nop\r
+gcd    proc\r
+       pop ax ;mov ax,[bp+8]\r
+       pop bx ;mov bx,[bp+6]\r
+compare:    \r
+            cmp   ax,bx\r
+            je    endp\r
+            cmp   ax,bx\r
+            ja    greater\r
+            sub   bx,ax\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+            sub   ax,bx\r
+            jmp   compare\r
+       push ax ;result\r
+           ret\r
+gcd    endp\r
+       br1 dw 12\r
+       br2 dw 8\r
+       rez dw 0 \r
diff --git a/samples/rek-gcd-input.asm b/samples/rek-gcd-input.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1ea80a1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+.model      small     \r
+ASSUME DS:data\r
+;recursive version of GCD, input from terminal\r
+data segment\r
+  strNZD db "        "\r
+  tempStr db "        "\r
+  prompt  db "num?$"\r
+  promptr db "RES $"\r
+  m     dw  0\r
+  n     dw  0\r
+data ends\r
+start:              \r
+    mov ax,@data\r
+    mov ds,ax\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num m      \r
+    print_new_line\r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num n\r
+    print_new_line\r
+    push n\r
+    push m\r
+    call gcd\r
+    pop n    \r
+    print_str promptr\r
+       print_num n\r
+; print out a result\r
+    end_execution\r
+;volatile procedure, ruins ax,bx,cx\r
+gcd proc\r
+       ;get params\r
+       pop ax\r
+       pop bx\r
+       cmp ax,bx\r
+       je endequal\r
+       ja greatera\r
+       ;ensure ax is greater\r
+       xchg ax,bx          \r
+       sub ax,bx\r
+       push bx\r
+       push ax\r
+       call gcd\r
+       pop ax;result\r
+    \r
+       push ax; result\r
+       ret\r
+gcd endp \r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/rek-gcd-predef.asm b/samples/rek-gcd-predef.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..62bd88d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+.model      small     \r
+;recursive version of GCD, predefined input\r
+data segment\r
+  strNZD db "        "\r
+data ends\r
+    \r
+    push 8\r
+    push 12\r
+    call gcd\r
+    pop ax\r
+       print_num ax\r
+; print out a result\r
+    end_execution\r
+    \r
+;volatile procedure, ruins ax,bx,cx\r
+gcd proc\r
+    ;get params\r
+    pop ax\r
+    pop bx\r
+    cmp ax,bx\r
+    je endequal\r
+    ja greatera\r
+    ;ensure ax is greater\r
+    xchg ax,bx          \r
+    sub ax,bx\r
+    push bx\r
+    push ax\r
+    call gcd\r
+    pop ax;result\r
+    \r
+    push ax; result\r
+    ret\r
+gcd endp\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/sumn-stack-prompt.asm b/samples/sumn-stack-prompt.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..52ce6ea
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+.model      small\r
+;read_num, print_num, etc are macros\r
+start:  \r
+    mov ax, data\r
+    mov ds, ax            \r
+    print_str prompt\r
+    read_num n\r
+    mov cx, n\r
+l1:                 \r
+    print_str prompt\r
+       read_num num\r
+       push num\r
+       loop l1\r
+       ; now sum up the top n from the stack\r
+    mov cx, n\r
+    mov ax, 0\r
+    mov dx, 0\r
+    pop ax               ; get next from stack\r
+    add dx, ax        ; array sum is in dx\r
+       loop theloop\r
+       ; result            \r
+       print_new_line\r
+       print_str resStr\r
+       print_num dx\r
+       nop\r
+       end_execution\r
+       num dw 12\r
+       n dw 3\r
+       rez dw 0 \r
+       tempStr db "        "\r
+       prompt  db "number? $"\r
+       resStr  db "result $"\r
+end start\r
diff --git a/samples/sumn3.asm b/samples/sumn3.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bd38a4a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.model      small\r
+;read_num, print_num are macros\r
+        read_num n\r
+       mov cx, n\r
+       read_num num\r
+       push num\r
+       loop l1\r
+       push n\r
+       call sumn\r
+       pop rez\r
+       print_num rez\r
+       nop\r
+sumn   proc\r
+;n is on top of the stack\r
+;sum the next n top elements of the stack\r
+       pop cx \r
+        mov ax, 0\r
+        mov dx, 0\r
+        pop ax           ; get next from stack\r
+        add dx, ax        ; array sum is in dx\r
+       loop theloop\r
+       push dx           ; result\r
+           ret\r
+sumn   endp\r
+       num dw 12\r
+       n dw 3\r
+       rez dw 0 \r
diff --git a/src-wsl/metrics_csv.wsl b/src-wsl/metrics_csv.wsl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..65ff3b8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+C:"Doni Pracner (c) 2015";
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with this program. If not, see
+C:"This program generates metrics for WSL programs,
+including options for comparing two programs (mainly ment to
+compare different versions) and output differences as direct
+numbers and percentages in a CSV type of format.
+One of the goals was to enable this to be used both in the
+command line for quick checks but also to be used for
+automation and creation of CSV files for collections of
+C:"usage {option} {filename}";
+C:" -h or --help - help screen";
+C:" -H or --header - print header for metrics";
+C:" -c 'file1' 'file2' - compare two files and print the metrics";
+C:" -HC print header for comparison";
+C:" -o 'file' - set output for the print";
+C:" -s 'separator' - set the separator in outputs (default comma)";
+C:" otherwise print the metrics of the given file(s)";
+C:"options are processed in sequence, so you can have
+for instance multiple outputs during the execution and
+run it for different programs";
+'filename' 'file2' 'file3' 
+       - just output the metrics all files on the screen,
+       each in it's own row
+-c 'f1' 'f2' 
+       - compare two files and output the differences on the
+       screen
+-o res.tmp -HC -c 'f1' 'f1a' -c 'f2' 'f2a'
+       - output a header row and two rows comparing the given
+       files in the specified file
+Field_Separator := ",";
+MW_PROC @Get_New_Name(VAR str) == 
+       IF @Ends_With?(str, ".wsl") THEN
+               str := SUBSTR(str, 0, SLENGTH(str)-4)
+       FI;
+       str := str ++ ".met"
+MW_PROC @Process_File(filename VAR metricslist) ==
+               metricslist := < >;
+               IF @File_Exists?(filename) THEN
+                       @New_Program(@Parse_File(filename, T_Statements));
+                       C:"add them in reverse to the start of the list";
+                       metricslist := < @Struct_Metric(@Program) > ++ metricslist ;
+                       metricslist := < @Total_Size(@Program) > ++ metricslist ;
+                       metricslist := < @CFDF_Metric(@Program) > ++ metricslist ;
+                       metricslist := < @Gen_Type_Count(T_Expression,@Program) > ++ metricslist ;
+                       metricslist := < @Stat_Count(@Program) > ++ metricslist ;
+                       metricslist := < @Essential(@Program) > ++ metricslist ;
+                       metricslist := < @McCabe(@Program) > ++ metricslist                     
+               ELSE
+                       PRINT("ERROR: File ",filename," not found");
+               FI              
+MW_PROC @Write_Metrics(metrics VAR) ==
+                       FOR met IN metrics DO
+                               @WS(Field_Separator);
+                               @WN(met)
+                       OD
+MW_PROC @Write_Metrics_List(prefix VAR) ==
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("McCabe Cyclo");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("McCabe Essential");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("Statements");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("Expressions");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("CFDF");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("Size");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @WS(prefix);@WS("Structure")
+MW_PROC @Metrics_Main() ==
+VAR< prog := < >,  
+       filename:="", filename2 := "",
+       metrics := < >, met2 := < >,
+       opened := 0,
+       Argv := ARGV 
+C:"First one is the script name that is being executed";
+Argv := TAIL(Argv);
+IF Argv = < > THEN 
+               PRINT("no arguments passed; supply a filename to make metrics for ");
+       WHILE Argv <> < > DO
+               POP(filename,Argv);
+               IF filename = "-h" OR filename = "--help" THEN
+                       PRINT("HELP - for now in the comments at the start of the script");
+                       PRINT("options: --header or -H | -c | -HC | -o | -s");
+                       SKIP
+               ELSIF filename = "-H" OR filename = "--header" THEN
+                       @WS("filename");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @Write_Metrics_List("");
+                       @WL("");
+               ELSIF filename = "-HC" THEN
+                       C:"Header for comparison";
+                       @WS("filename");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @Write_Metrics_List("P1-");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @Write_Metrics_List("P2-");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @Write_Metrics_List("DIFF-");@WS(Field_Separator);
+                       @Write_Metrics_List("%-");
+                       @WL("");
+               ELSIF filename = "-o" THEN
+                       C:"set output";
+                       IF Argv = < > THEN
+                               PRINT("argument needed after -o")
+                       ELSE
+                               POP(filename, Argv);
+                               opened := opened + 1;
+                               @Write_To(filename)
+                       FI                      
+               ELSIF filename = "-s" THEN
+                       C:"set separator";
+                       IF Argv = < > THEN
+                               PRINT("argument needed after -s")
+                       ELSE
+                               POP(Field_Separator, Argv);
+                       FI                      
+               ELSIF filename = "-c" THEN
+                       C:"compare two files and dump the comparison";
+                       IF LENGTH(Argv) < 2 THEN
+                               PRINT("two arguments needed after -c")
+                       ELSE
+                               POP(filename, Argv);
+                               @Process_File(filename VAR metrics);
+                               @WS(filename);
+                               @Write_Metrics(metrics);
+                               POP(filename2,Argv);
+                               @Process_File(filename2 VAR met2);
+                               @Write_Metrics(met2);
+                               C:"calculate the differences";
+                               FOR i := 1 TO LENGTH(metrics) STEP 1 DO
+                                       met2[i] := metrics[i] - met2[i];
+                                       IF metrics[i] <> 0 THEN
+                                               metrics[i] := met2[i] * 100 DIV metrics[i]
+                                       FI
+                               OD;
+                               @Write_Metrics(met2);
+                               @Write_Metrics(metrics);
+                               @WL("");
+                       FI;
+                       SKIP
+               ELSE
+                       @Process_File(filename VAR metrics);
+                       @WS(filename);
+                       @Write_Metrics(metrics);
+                       @WL("");
+                       SKIP
+               FI
+       OD;
+       C:"be nice and close all the opened writes";
+       FOR count := 1 TO opened STEP 1 DO
+               @End_Write
+       OD
diff --git a/src-wsl/transf-min.wsl b/src-wsl/transf-min.wsl
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..5086bc6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+Copyright (C) 2012,2015 Doni Pracner
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with this program. If not, see
+C:"Automatic transformation tool for simplification of WSL";
+C:"code automaticaly translated from assembly using asm2wsl.";
+C:"a very simple version, ment to be fast and relatively
+efficient. It is aimed at action-system programs and should
+remove them from the program, while doing other
+simlifications in the process.";
+C:"set the following so that Action Systems are not
+automaticaly treated as regular";
+C:"Not neccessary with recent versions of FermaT";
+Assume_A_S_Regular := 0;
+C:"Main procedure to transform the loaded program";
+MW_PROC @Process_Prog() ==
+       @Trans(TR_Constant_Propagation, "");
+       C:"Try to remove the Action systems";
+       FOREACH Statement DO
+               IF @ST(@I) = T_A_S THEN
+                       IF @Trans?(TR_Simplify_Action_System) THEN
+                               @Trans(TR_Simplify_Action_System, "")
+                       FI;
+                       IF @Trans?(TR_Collapse_Action_System) THEN
+                               @Trans(TR_Collapse_Action_System, "");
+                       FI;
+               ELSIF @Trans?(TR_Remove_All_Redundant_Vars) THEN
+                       @Trans(TR_Remove_All_Redundant_Vars, "");
+               ELSIF @ST(@I) = T_Skip THEN
+                       @Delete
+               FI
+       OD;
+       C:"remove all the comments ";
+       FOREACH Statement DO
+       IF @ST(@I) = T_Comment THEN
+                       @Delete
+       FI
+       OD;
+       FOREACH Statement DO
+               IF @Trans?(TR_Simplify_Item) THEN
+                               @Trans(TR_Simplify_Item,"")
+               FI
+       OD;
+       C:"Convert DO loops into WHILE loops";
+       FOREACH Statement DO
+               IF @Trans?(TR_Floop_To_While) THEN
+                       @Trans(TR_Floop_To_While, "");
+               FI
+       OD;
+       C:"Go back to the start, and remove redundant";
+       @Goto(< >);
+       @Trans(TR_Delete_All_Redundant, "");
+       SKIP
+MW_PROC @Get_New_Name(VAR str) ==
+       IF @Ends_With?(str, ".wsl") THEN
+               str := SUBSTR(str, 0, SLENGTH(str)-4)
+       FI;
+       str := str ++ "_t.wsl"
+MW_PROC @Prog_Stat_Comp(Pro, After VAR)==
+  VAR < ma := 0, mb :=1 > :
+  ma := @McCabe(Pro);
+  mb := @McCabe(After);
+  PRINT ("McCabe ", ma, "  ", mb, "  ",(mb-ma));
+  ma := @Stat_Count(Pro);
+  mb := @Stat_Count(After);
+  PRINT ("Statem ", ma, "  ",mb, "  ",(mb-ma));
+  ma := @CFDF_Metric(Pro);
+  mb := @CFDF_Metric(After);
+  PRINT ("CF/DF  ", ma,"  ", mb,"  ", (mb-ma));
+  ma := @Total_Size(Pro);
+  mb := @Total_Size(After);
+  PRINT ("Size   ", ma,"  ", mb, "  ",(mb-ma));
+  ma := @Struct_Metric(Pro);
+  mb := @Struct_Metric(After);
+  PRINT ("Struct ", ma, "  ",mb, "  ",(mb-ma));
+MW_PROC @Process_File(filename) ==
+               IF @File_Exists?(filename) THEN
+                       @New_Program(@Parse_File(filename, T_Statements));
+                       PRINT("Processing: ", filename);
+                       prog := @Program;
+                       @Process_Prog();
+                       @Get_New_Name(VAR filename);
+                       @PP_Item(@Program, 80, filename);
+                       PRINT(filename);
+                       @Prog_Stat_Comp(prog, @Program);
+               ELSE
+                       PRINT("ERROR: File ",filename," not found");
+               FI
+VAR< prog := < >, inifilename := "transf.ini",
+       filename:="", file := "", inifile:= "",
+       Argv := ARGV
+C:"First one is the script name that is being executed";
+Argv := TAIL(Argv);
+IF Argv = < > THEN
+       PRINT("no arguments passed; using ",inifilename);
+       IF @File_Exists?(inifilename) THEN
+               inifile := @Open_Input_File(inifilename);
+               filename := @Read_Line(inifile);
+               C:"check if the loaded is an EOF";
+               WHILE NOT @EOF?(filename) DO
+                       @Process_File(filename);
+                       filename := @Read_Line(inifile)
+               OD;
+               @Close_Input_Port(inifile);
+       ELSE
+               PRINT("ini file (",inifilename,") not found.",
+               " it should contain a list of filenames to be converted");
+               PRINT("you can input a filename now:");
+               filename := @Read_Line(Standard_Input_Port);
+               @Process_File(filename);
+       FI
+       FOR arg IN Argv DO
+               @Process_File(arg);
+       OD
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..125ac21
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+/* \r
+Copyright 2012,2018 Doni Pracner\r
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it\r
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public\r
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either\r
+version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later\r
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be\r
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied\r
+PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more\r
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
+License along with this program. If not, see\r
+import java.util.*;\r
+ * This program converts files from assembly x86 to WSL language which is a part\r
+ * of the FermaT Transformation system.<br />\r
+ * Currently it works only on a very limited subset of x86, and has a number of\r
+ * predefined macro names it uses for translation. It works with 16 bit\r
+ * registers (ax,bx, etc) and presumes that the rest of the variables are 8bit\r
+ * if not applied to a 16bit reg. Check the documentation for more details.\r
+ *\r
+ * @author Doni Pracner,\r
+ */\r
+public class asm2wsl {\r
+       private static final String PROCEDURE_INTERNAL_SYS = "procedure_internal_sys";\r
+       /** translation processing switch */\r
+       public boolean originalInComments = false, translateComments = true,\r
+                       addMemoryDump = false, translateToPopPush = true;\r
+       int mode = MODE_0, nUnknownC = 0, nUnknownD = 0, nKnownC = 0;\r
+       boolean labelfound = false;\r
+       public static final String versionN = "0.81";\r
+       // regular comments from the original file\r
+       // OC when original code is inserted in the file, next to the translations\r
+       // SPEC special messages from the translator\r
+       // ERR error messages from the translator\r
+       public static final char C_REG = ' ', C_OC = '#', C_SPEC = '&', C_ERR = '!';\r
+       public static final int MODE_0 = 0, MODE_CODE = 1, MODE_DATA = 2,\r
+                       MODE_STACK = 3, N_MODES = 4;\r
+       public static final String CODE_SEG_START = "SKIP;\n ACTIONS A_S_start:\n A_S_start ==",\r
+                       CODE_SEG_END = "CALL Z;\nSKIP END\nENDACTIONS;\n",\r
+                       DATA_SEG_START = "VAR< ", DATA_SEG_END = " \tskipvar := 0 \n>:\n",\r
+                       fixl = "\n%x := (%x DIV 256) * 256 + t_e_m_p;",\r
+                       fixh = "\n%x := (%x MOD 256) + t_e_m_p * 256;";\r
+       public String getStandardStart() {\r
+               String ret = "C:\" This file automatically converted from assembler\";\n"\r
+                               + "C:\" with asm2wsl v " + versionN + "\";\n";\r
+               ret += "VAR < ax := 0, bx := 0, cx := 0, dx := 0,\n"\r
+                               + "     si := 0, di := 0, bp := 0, sp := 0, \n"\r
+                               + "     ss := 0, ds := 0, cs := 0, es := 0,\n"\r
+                               + "     flag_o := 0, flag_d := 0, flag_i := 0, flag_t := 0,\n"\r
+                               + "     flag_z := 0, flag_s := 0, flag_p := 0, flag_a := 0,\n"\r
+                               + "     flag_c := 0, overflow := 256, stack := < >, t_e_m_p := 0 > :\n";\r
+               if (addMemoryDump)\r
+                       ret += "BEGIN\n";\r
+               return ret;\r
+       }\r
+       public String getStandardEnd() {\r
+               String ret = "ENDVAR;\n";\r
+               if (addMemoryDump) {\r
+                       ret += "C:\" end original program. testing features following\";\n"\r
+                                       + "WHERE\n" + "PROC memdump(VAR) ==\n"\r
+                                       + "     PRINT(\"'memory' dump: \");\n"\r
+                                       + "     PRINT(\"ax \",ax,\" bx \",bx,\" cx \",cx,\" dx \",dx);\n"\r
+                                       + "     PRINT(\"flags:\");\n" + "       PRINT(\"ODITSZAPC\");\n"\r
+                                       + "     PRINT(flag_o,flag_d,flag_i,flag_t,flag_s,flag_z,flag_a,flag_p,flag_c)\n"\r
+                                       + "END\n" + "END\n";\r
+               }\r
+               ret += "\nENDVAR";\r
+               return ret;\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * When the param works with array addressing, this should reformat it so\r
+        * that it works as intended. An important thing to remember is that there\r
+        * is a[0] element in WSL, all arrays start with a[1].\r
+        */\r
+       public String arrayFix(String str) {\r
+               String param = str.substring(str.indexOf('[') + 1, str.indexOf(']'));\r
+               return str.replace(param + "]", formatParam(param) + "+1]");\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Transforms an asembler source parameter as need so that it can be used in\r
+        * WSL. Among other things it converts Hex numbers to decimal, fixes array\r
+        * access indexes and the high/low parts of registers.\r
+        */\r
+       public String formatParam(String str) {\r
+               str = str.toLowerCase();\r
+               if (str.contains("["))\r
+                       str = arrayFix(str);\r
+               try {\r
+                       if (str.matches("[0-9][0-9a-f]*h"))\r
+                               return "" + Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, str.length() - 1),\r
+                                               16);\r
+               } catch (Exception e) {\r
+                       System.err.println("error in hex param procesing");\r
+                       e.printStackTrace();\r
+               }\r
+               if (str.compareTo("al") == 0)\r
+                       return "(ax MOD 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("ah") == 0)\r
+                       return "(ax DIV 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("bl") == 0)\r
+                       return "(bx MOD 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("bh") == 0)\r
+                       return "(bx DIV 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("cl") == 0)\r
+                       return "(cx MOD 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("ch") == 0)\r
+                       return "(cx DIV 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("dl") == 0)\r
+                       return "(dx MOD 256)";\r
+               else if (str.compareTo("dh") == 0)\r
+                       return "(dx DIV 256)";\r
+               else\r
+               // for undefined variables\r
+               if (str.compareTo("(?)") == 0)\r
+                       return "\" \"";\r
+               else\r
+                       return str;\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Transforms an asembler destination parameter as need so that it can be\r
+        * used in WSL. Among other things it fixes array access indexes and the\r
+        * high/low parts of registers.\r
+        */\r
+       public String formatDst(String str) {\r
+               if (str.contains("["))\r
+                       str = arrayFix(str);\r
+               str = str.toLowerCase();\r
+               if (str.length() == 2 && str.charAt(0) >= 'a' && str.charAt(0) <= 'd'\r
+                               && (str.charAt(1) == 'l' || str.charAt(1) == 'h'))\r
+                       return "t_e_m_p";\r
+               else\r
+                       return str;\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Used for fixing low/high register access. The given param should be the\r
+        * dst operand of an assembler command.\r
+        */\r
+       public String getXRegisterFix(String str) {\r
+               str = str.toLowerCase();\r
+               if (str.length() == 2 && str.charAt(0) >= 'a' && str.charAt(0) <= 'd') {\r
+                       char c = str.charAt(0);\r
+                       if (str.charAt(1) == 'l')\r
+                               return fixl.replace('%', c);\r
+                       if (str.charAt(1) == 'h')\r
+                               return fixh.replace('%', c);\r
+               }\r
+               return "";\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Creates a WSL comment with care to quote chars.\r
+        */\r
+       public static String createComment(String str) {\r
+               return createComment(str, C_REG);\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Creates a WSL comment with care to quote chars, of the given type. Types\r
+        * are given as char constants. They can be default comments, comments that\r
+        * contain the original code in them, or additional comments regarding the\r
+        * translation process.\r
+        */\r
+       public static String createComment(String str, char type) {\r
+               return "C:\"" + type + str.replace("\"", "''") + "\";";\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Creates a wsl statement that modifies the overflow limit based on the\r
+        * input string that should be the parameter of a command.\r
+        */\r
+       public String getOverflow(String str) {\r
+               int over = 256;\r
+               str = str.toLowerCase();\r
+               if (str.length() == 2) {\r
+                       if ((str.charAt(1) == 'x' && str.charAt(0) >= 'a'\r
+                                       && str.charAt(0) <= 'd')\r
+                                       || (str.compareTo("si") == 0 || str.compareTo("bp") == 0))\r
+                               over = 65536;\r
+               }\r
+               return "overflow := " + over + "; ";\r
+       }\r
+       private void debugPrint(ArrayList<String> com) {\r
+               System.out.println();\r
+               for (int i = 0; i < com.size(); i++) {\r
+                       System.out.print(com.get(i));\r
+                       System.out.print("||");\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       private boolean inMacro = false;\r
+       // internal state, if a procedure body is being translated currently\r
+       private boolean inProcedure = false;\r
+       // the name of the procedure currently translated, if there is one\r
+       private String currentProcName = "";\r
+       /**\r
+        * Takes a single assembler line and returns the translated WSL line(s). It\r
+        * also changes the translator modes (data, code etc).\r
+        */\r
+       public String processLine(String str) {\r
+               /* Most of the logic is here, some parts could be split off */\r
+               if (str.length() == 0)\r
+                       return "";\r
+               String[] split = str.split(";", 2);\r
+               String rez = split[0];\r
+               String comment = "";\r
+               // removes the comments\r
+               if (translateComments && split.length > 1)\r
+                       comment = createComment(split[1]);\r
+               if (rez.compareTo("") != 0) {\r
+                       // if there is a non-comment part\r
+                       String[] parts = rez.split("[\t ,]");\r
+                       // separators are whitespace: tab, space and comma\r
+                       ArrayList<String> com = new ArrayList<String>();\r
+                       for (String s : parts)\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("") != 0 && s != null)\r
+                                       com.add(s);\r
+                       rez = "";\r
+                       String a, b;\r
+                       // special case, we are processing lines in a macro definition\r
+                       if (inMacro) {\r
+                               Iterator<String> it = com.iterator();\r
+                               while (it.hasNext())\r
+                                       if ("endm") == 0)\r
+                                               inMacro = false;\r
+                               return createComment(str, C_SPEC) + "\n";\r
+                       }\r
+                       // by this time, all the real words should be in the com array\r
+                       int i = 0;\r
+                       boolean work = true;\r
+                       // debugPrint(com);\r
+                       while (i < com.size() && work) {\r
+                               String s = com.get(i).toLowerCase();\r
+                               if (s.endsWith(":")) { // should represent a label\r
+                                       s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);\r
+                                       rez += "CALL " + s + "\n END\n";\r
+                                       rez += s + " == ";\r
+                                       // labelfound = true;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // ------------------------------------------------------------\r
+                               // procedures, calls and similar activities\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("proc") == 0) {\r
+                                       // if (labelfound)\r
+                                       rez += "CALL Z; SKIP END \n";\r
+                                       a = com.get(i - 1);\r
+                                       rez += a + " == ";\r
+                                       b = PROCEDURE_INTERNAL_SYS;\r
+                                       rez += "\nACTIONS " + b + ": \n";\r
+                                       rez += b + " == ";\r
+                                       inProcedure = true;\r
+                                       currentProcName = a;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("endp") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += " SKIP END\n ENDACTIONS\n END\n dummy" + nKnownC\r
+                                                       + " == ";\r
+                                       inProcedure = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("ret") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += " CALL Z;";\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("call") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(++i);\r
+                                       // check for recursive calls, don't do outside of current \r
+                                       // action system\r
+                                       if (inProcedure && currentProcName.equals(a))\r
+                                               a = PROCEDURE_INTERNAL_SYS;\r
+                                       rez += "CALL " + a + ";";\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // segments and other special assembler directives\r
+                               if (s.charAt(0) == '.') { //\r
+                                       if (s.compareTo(".code") == 0) {\r
+                                               rez = CODE_SEG_START;\r
+                                               mode = MODE_CODE;\r
+                                       } else if (s.compareTo(".data") == 0) {\r
+                                               rez = " ";\r
+                                               mode = MODE_DATA;\r
+                                       } else if (s.compareTo(".stack") == 0) {\r
+                                               rez = " ";\r
+                                               mode = MODE_STACK;\r
+                                       } else if (s.startsWith(".model")) {\r
+                                               if (!s.toLowerCase().endsWith("small")) {\r
+                                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                                       "other models than small not supported :: "\r
+                                                                                       + split[0],\r
+                                                                       C_SPEC);\r
+                                                       nUnknownD++;\r
+                                                       mode = MODE_0;\r
+                                               }\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               rez += createComment(\r
+                                                               "directive not supported :: " + split[0],\r
+                                                               C_SPEC);\r
+                                               nUnknownD++;\r
+                                               mode = MODE_0;\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("assume") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                       "ASSUME commands not supported :: " + split[0],\r
+                                                       C_SPEC);\r
+                                       nUnknownD++;\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("segment") == 0) {\r
+                                       String segn = com.get(i - 1).toLowerCase();\r
+                                       if (segn.compareTo("cseg") == 0\r
+                                                       || segn.compareTo("code") == 0\r
+                                                       || segn.compareTo("code_seg") == 0) {\r
+                                               rez += CODE_SEG_START;\r
+                                               mode = MODE_CODE;\r
+                                       } else if (segn.compareTo("dseg") == 0\r
+                                                       || segn.compareTo("data_seg") == 0\r
+                                                       || segn.compareTo("data") == 0) {\r
+                                               rez += " ";\r
+                                               mode = MODE_DATA;\r
+                                       } else if (segn.compareTo("sseg") == 0\r
+                                                       || segn.compareTo("stack_seg") == 0\r
+                                                       || segn.compareTo("stack") == 0) {\r
+                                               rez += " ";\r
+                                               mode = MODE_STACK;\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               rez += createComment(\r
+                                                               "unsuported segment type :: " + split[0],\r
+                                                               C_SPEC);\r
+                                               nUnknownD++;\r
+                                               mode = MODE_0;\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("ends") == 0) { // segment end\r
+                                       if (i > 0) {\r
+                                               String segn = com.get(i - 1).toLowerCase();\r
+                                               if (segn.compareTo("cseg") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("code_seg") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("code") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("dseg") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("data") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("data_seg") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("sseg") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("stack") == 0\r
+                                                               || segn.compareTo("stack_seg") == 0) {\r
+                                                       rez += createComment("end of segment " + segn,\r
+                                                                       C_SPEC);\r
+                                                       mode = MODE_0;\r
+                                               } else {\r
+                                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                                       "unsuported segment type :: " + split[0],\r
+                                                                       C_SPEC);\r
+                                                       nUnknownD++;\r
+                                               }\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               rez += createComment("end of segment", C_SPEC);\r
+                                               mode = MODE_0;\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // macro ideas ----\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("macro") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                       "found macro definition - macros unsuported",\r
+                                                       C_ERR);\r
+                                       nUnknownC++;\r
+                                       inMacro = true;\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("endm") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                       "found macro definition end - macros unsuported",\r
+                                                       C_ERR);\r
+                                       nUnknownC++;\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               /*\r
+                                * ------------------------------\r
+                                *  \r
+                                * special macro names translated directly\r
+                                */\r
+                               if ((s.compareTo("print_str") == 0\r
+                                               || s.compareTo("print_num") == 0\r
+                                               || s.compareTo("print_char") == 0)\r
+                                               && com.get(i + 1).compareTo("macro") != 0) { \r
+                                       rez += "PRINFLUSH(" + com.get(i + 1) + ");";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("print_new_line") == 0\r
+                                               && (com.size() <= i + 1\r
+                                                               || com.get(i + 1).compareTo("macro") != 0)) { \r
+                                       rez += "PRINT(\"\");";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("read_str") == 0\r
+                                               && com.get(i + 1).compareTo("macro") != 0) { \r
+                                       rez += "@Read_Line_Proc(VAR " + com.get(i + 1)\r
+                                                       + ", Standard_Input_Port);";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("read_num") == 0\r
+                                               && com.get(i + 1).compareTo("macro") != 0) { \r
+                                       rez += "@Read_Line_Proc(VAR t_e_m_p, Standard_Input_Port);\n";\r
+                                       rez += com.get(i + 1) + " := @String_To_Num(t_e_m_p);";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("end_execution") == 0\r
+                                               && (com.size() <= i + 1\r
+                                                               || com.get(i + 1).compareTo("macro") != 0)) { \r
+                                       rez += "CALL Z;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // ---------------------------------------\r
+                               // operators and similar commands\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("mov") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       b = com.get(i + 2).toLowerCase();\r
+                                       if ((b.compareTo("@data") == 0)\r
+                                                       || (b.compareTo("dseg") == 0)) {\r
+                                               rez += createComment("unneeded DATA segment fixes",\r
+                                                               C_SPEC);\r
+                                               work = false;\r
+                                       } else {// rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                               rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(b) + ";";\r
+                                               rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                               work = false;\r
+                                       }\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("add") == 0 || s.compareTo("adc") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       b = com.get(i + 2);\r
+                                       rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                       rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " + "\r
+                                                       + formatParam(b) + ";\n";\r
+                                       if (s.compareTo("adc") == 0)\r
+                                               rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " + "\r
+                                                               + " + flag_c;\n";\r
+                                       rez += "IF " + formatDst(a) + " >= overflow THEN "\r
+                                                       + formatDst(a) + " := " + formatDst(a)\r
+                                                       + " MOD overflow; flag_o :=1; flag_c := 1; ELSE flag_o :=0; flag_c := 0; FI;";\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("sub") == 0 || s.compareTo("cmp") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       b = com.get(i + 2);\r
+                                       // rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                       rez += "IF " + formatParam(a) + " = " + formatParam(b)\r
+                                                       + " THEN\n\t flag_z := 1\n ELSE\n\t flag_z := 0\n FI; ";\r
+                                       rez += "IF " + formatParam(a) + " < " + formatParam(b)\r
+                                                       + " THEN\n\t flag_c := 1\n ELSE\n\t flag_c := 0\n FI; ";\r
+                                       if (s.compareTo("sub") == 0)\r
+                                               rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " - "\r
+                                                               + formatParam(b) + ";";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("inc") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                       rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " + 1;";\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("dec") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                       rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " - 1;";\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("shr") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       // rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                       rez += "IF " + formatParam(a) + " MOD 2 = 1 THEN "\r
+                                                       + " flag_c := 1; ELSE flag_c := 0; FI;";\r
+                                       rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " DIV 2;";\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("shl") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       rez += getOverflow(a);\r
+                                       rez += formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " * 2;";\r
+                                       rez += "IF " + formatDst(a) + " >= overflow THEN "\r
+                                                       + formatDst(a) + " := " + formatDst(a)\r
+                                                       + " MOD overflow; flag_o :=1; flag_c := 1; ELSE flag_o :=0; flag_c := 0; FI;";\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("xchg") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       b = com.get(i + 2);\r
+                                       rez += "< " + formatDst(a) + " := " + formatParam(b) + ", "\r
+                                                       + formatDst(b) + " := " + formatParam(a) + " >;";\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(a);\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // logical exp\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("and") == 0) {\r
+                                       // rez += com.get(i+1)+" := "+com.get(i+1)+" AND\r
+                                       // "+formatParam(com.get(i+2))+";";\r
+                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                       "and not implemented yet :: " + split[0], C_ERR);\r
+                                       nUnknownC++;\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("xor") == 0) {\r
+                                       a = com.get(i + 1);\r
+                                       b = formatParam(com.get(i + 2));\r
+                                       if (a.compareTo(b) == 0)\r
+                                               rez += a + " := 0;";\r
+                                       else {\r
+                                               rez += createComment(\r
+                                                               "xor not implemnted yet :: " + split[0], C_ERR);\r
+                                               // a+" := ("+a+" AND NOT "+b+") OR (NOT "+a+" AND "+b+"\r
+                                               // );");\r
+                                               nUnknownC++;\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("not") == 0) {\r
+                                       // rez += com.get(i+1)+" := NOT "+com.get(i+1)+";";\r
+                                       rez += createComment(\r
+                                                       "NOT not implemented yet :: " + split[0], C_ERR);\r
+                                       nUnknownC++;\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // jumps\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("jmp") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + ";";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("je") == 0 || s.compareTo("jz") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF flag_z = 1 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("jne") == 0 || s.compareTo("jnz") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF flag_z = 0 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("ja") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF flag_z = 0 AND flag_c = 0 THEN CALL "\r
+                                                       + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("jae") == 0 || s.compareTo("jnc") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF flag_c = 0 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("jb") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF flag_c = 1 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("jcxz") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF cx = 0 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("jo") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "IF flag_o = 1 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1) + " FI;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("loop") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "cx := cx - 1;\n";\r
+                                       rez += "IF cx>0 THEN CALL " + com.get(i + 1)\r
+                                                       + " ELSE CALL dummy" + nKnownC + " FI\n";\r
+                                       rez += "END\ndummy" + nKnownC + " ==";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // end and other\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("end") == 0) {\r
+                                       // TODO parse the optional entry label that comes with end\r
+                                       rez += createComment("program end");\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("nop") == 0) {\r
+                                       rez += "SKIP;";\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // stack\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("pop") == 0) {\r
+                                       if (translateToPopPush) {\r
+                                               rez += "POP(" + formatDst(com.get(i + 1)) + ", stack);";\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               rez += formatDst(com.get(i + 1)) + " := HEAD(stack);\n";\r
+                                               rez += "stack := TAIL(stack);";\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       rez += getXRegisterFix(com.get(i + 1));\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else if (s.compareTo("push") == 0) {\r
+                                       if (translateToPopPush) {\r
+                                               rez += "PUSH(stack, " + formatParam(com.get(i + 1))\r
+                                                               + ");";\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               rez += "stack := < " + formatParam(com.get(i + 1))\r
+                                                               + " > ++ stack;";\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       work = false;\r
+                               } else\r
+                               // var definitions\r
+                               if (s.compareTo("db") == 0 || s.compareTo("dw") == 0) {\r
+                                       if (mode == MODE_DATA) {\r
+                                               if (com.size() == i + 2) {\r
+                                                       rez += "\t " + com.get(i - 1) + " := "\r
+                                                                       + formatParam(com.get(i + 1)) + ",";\r
+                                               } else {// array\r
+                                                       rez += "\t " + com.get(i - 1) + " := < "\r
+                                                                       + formatParam(com.get(i + 1));\r
+                                                       for (int j = i + 2; j < com.size(); j++)\r
+                                                               rez += "," + formatParam(com.get(j));\r
+                                                       rez += " >,";\r
+                                               }\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                       }\r
+                               }\r
+                               i++;\r
+                       }\r
+                       if (rez.compareTo("") == 0 && com.size() > 0) {\r
+                               rez = createComment(" unkown command:" + split[0], C_ERR);\r
+                               nUnknownC++;\r
+                       } else\r
+                               nKnownC++; // this now counts the directives too...\r
+               }\r
+               return rez + " " + comment + "\n";\r
+       }\r
+       /**\r
+        * Converts an asm file to a wsl file. It also prints out the number of\r
+        * unsupported commands.\r
+        */\r
+       public void convertAFile(File f) {\r
+               try {\r
+                       BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(\r
+                                       new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f)));\r
+                       String str = in.readLine(), rez = f.getPath();\r
+                       if (rez.toLowerCase().endsWith(".asm"))\r
+                               rez = rez.substring(0, rez.length() - 4);\r
+                       PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(\r
+                                       new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(rez + ".wsl")));\r
+                       nUnknownD = 0;\r
+                       nUnknownC = 0;\r
+                       nKnownC = 0;\r
+                       StringBuilder[] sbs = new StringBuilder[N_MODES];\r
+                       for (int i = 0; i < N_MODES; i++)\r
+                               sbs[i] = new StringBuilder();\r
+                       while (str != null) {\r
+                               rez = processLine(str);\r
+                               if (originalInComments)\r
+                                       sbs[mode].append(createComment(str, C_OC) + "\n");\r
+                               sbs[mode].append(rez);\r
+                               str = in.readLine();\r
+                       }\r
+                       sbs[MODE_CODE].append(CODE_SEG_END);\r
+                       if (addMemoryDump)\r
+                               sbs[MODE_CODE].append("memdump();");\r
+                       sbs[MODE_DATA].append(DATA_SEG_END);\r
+                       // remove comments from dataseg\r
+                       String datastr = sbs[MODE_DATA].toString()\r
+                                       .replaceAll("C:\"(.*?)\";\n?", "");\r
+                       in.close();\r
+                       out.print(getStandardStart());\r
+                       out.print(sbs[MODE_0]);\r
+                       out.print(DATA_SEG_START);\r
+                       out.print(datastr); // out.print(sbs[MODE_DATA]);\r
+                       out.print(sbs[MODE_CODE]);\r
+                       out.print(getStandardEnd());\r
+                       out.close();\r
+                       if (nUnknownD > 0)\r
+                               System.out.println("warning: " + nUnknownD\r
+                                               + " unkown/unsuported directives were found");\r
+                       if (nUnknownC > 0)\r
+                               System.out.println("errors : " + nUnknownC\r
+                                               + " unkown/unsuported commands were found");\r
+                       System.out.println(nKnownC + " commands translated");\r
+               } catch (Exception e) {\r
+                       System.err.println("error in conversion:");\r
+                       e.printStackTrace();\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       public void run(String[] args) {\r
+               if (args.length == 0) {\r
+                       System.out.println("Assembler to WSL converter. v " + versionN\r
+                                       + ", by Doni Pracner");\r
+                       System.out.println("usage:\n\t asm2wsl {-option[ +-]} filename");\r
+                       System.out.println("options: (def value in parenthesis)");\r
+                       System.out.println("\t -oc : orignal code in comments ("\r
+                                       + (originalInComments ? "+" : "-") + ")");\r
+                       System.out.println("\t -c : translate comments ("\r
+                                       + (translateComments ? "+" : "-") + ")");\r
+                       System.out.println("\t -dump : add memory dump commands to end ("\r
+                                       + (addMemoryDump ? "+" : "-") + ")");\r
+               } else {\r
+                       if (args[0].compareTo("-h") == 0\r
+                                       || args[0].compareTo("--help") == 0) {\r
+                               run(new String[0]);\r
+                               return;\r
+                       }\r
+                       int i = 0;\r
+                       while (i < args.length && args[i].charAt(0) == '-') {\r
+                               if (args[i].startsWith("-oc")) {\r
+                                       if (args[i].length() == 4)\r
+                                               originalInComments = args[i].charAt(3) == '+';\r
+                                       else\r
+                                               originalInComments = true;\r
+                               } else if (args[i].startsWith("-c")) {\r
+                                       if (args[i].length() == 3)\r
+                                               translateComments = args[i].charAt(2) == '+';\r
+                                       else\r
+                                               translateComments = true;\r
+                               } else if (args[i].startsWith("-dump")) {\r
+                                       addMemoryDump = true;\r
+                                       if (args[i].length() == 6 && args[i].charAt(5) == '-')\r
+                                               addMemoryDump = false;\r
+                               }\r
+                               i++;\r
+                       }\r
+                       if (i >= args.length) {\r
+                               System.out.println("no filename supplied");\r
+                               System.exit(2);\r
+                       }\r
+                       File f = new File(args[i]);\r
+                       if (f.exists()) {\r
+                               Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();\r
+                               convertAFile(f);\r
+                               long mili = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()\r
+                                               - now.getTimeInMillis();\r
+                               System.out.println("conversion time:" + mili + " ms");\r
+                       } else\r
+                               System.out.println("file does not exist");\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       public static void main(String[] args) {\r
+               new asm2wsl().run(args);\r
+       }\r
diff --git a/tests/array-sum-input.1.txt b/tests/array-sum-input.1.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a5a9869
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/array-sum-input.2.txt b/tests/array-sum-input.2.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..22bd915
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/array-sum-input.3.txt b/tests/array-sum-input.3.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..573541a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/tests/array-sum-input.4.txt b/tests/array-sum-input.4.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8fdd954
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/array-sum-predef.txt b/tests/array-sum-predef.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/fakt.txt b/tests/fakt.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/gcd-input.1.txt b/tests/gcd-input.1.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5000edf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/gcd-input.2.txt b/tests/gcd-input.2.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..93c538e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/gcd-input.3.txt b/tests/gcd-input.3.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..58cd0aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/gcd-input.4.txt b/tests/gcd-input.4.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c094c55
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/gcd-predef.txt b/tests/gcd-predef.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/procgcd.txt b/tests/procgcd.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/rek-gcd-input.1.txt b/tests/rek-gcd-input.1.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5000edf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/rek-gcd-input.2.txt b/tests/rek-gcd-input.2.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..93c538e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/rek-gcd-input.3.txt b/tests/rek-gcd-input.3.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..58cd0aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/rek-gcd-input.4.txt b/tests/rek-gcd-input.4.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c094c55
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/rek-gcd-predef.txt b/tests/rek-gcd-predef.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/sumn-stack-prompt.1.txt b/tests/sumn-stack-prompt.1.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a5a9869
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/sumn-stack-prompt.2.txt b/tests/sumn-stack-prompt.2.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..22bd915
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/sumn-stack-prompt.3.txt b/tests/sumn-stack-prompt.3.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..573541a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..b7a5cf3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# copy from samples-with-macros and remove the macros segment in the samples folder
+cp samples-with-macros/*.asm samples/
+sed -i \
+ -e '/#macro-commands-start/,/#macro-commands-end/ c ;#macros-removed-from-listing' \
+ -e '/#extra-start/,/#extra-end/ d' \
+ samples/*.asm
\ No newline at end of file maintanance Doni Pracner