gitweb on Svarog

projekti pod git sistemom za održavanje verzija -- projects under the git version control system
ant - wsl-run, put the new folder at the start of the path
[mjc2wsl.git] / res /
1 1=load
2 2=load_0
3 3=load_1
4 4=load_2
5 5=load_3
6 6=store
7 7=store_0
8 8=store_1
9 9=store_2
10 10=store_3
11 11=getstatic
12 12=putstatic
13 13=getfield
14 14=putfield
15 15=const_0
16 16=const_1
17 17=const_2
18 18=const_3
19 19=const_4
20 20=const_5
21 21=const_m1
22 22=const_
23 23=add
24 24=sub
25 25=mul
26 26=div
27 27=rem
28 28=neg
29 29=shl
30 30=shr
31 31=inc
32 32=new_
33 33=newarray
34 34=aload
35 35=astore
36 36=baload
37 37=bastore
38 38=arraylength
39 39=pop
40 40=dup
41 41=dup2
42 42=jmp
43 43=jeq
44 44=jne
45 45=jlt
46 46=jle
47 47=jgt
48 48=jge
49 49=call
50 50=return_
51 51=enter
52 52=exit
53 53=read
54 54=print
55 55=bread
56 56=bprint
57 57=trap maintanance Doni Pracner